50+ Python Practice Questions for Coding Interviews

50+ Python Practice Questions for Coding Interviews Solved & Explained for free

Aman Kharwal
2 min readJul 16, 2022

While learning a new programming language, it is valuable to solve practice questions. When you solve questions, it develops problem-solving skills. If you are learning Python and have completed the fundamentals of Python, your next step should be to solve some Python practice questions as a beginner. So, in this article, I will take you through some Python practice questions for coding interviews every beginner should try.

Python Practice Questions for Coding Interviews

All the Python practice questions mentioned below are for someone who has completed the fundamentals of Python. Solving these questions is your next step in mastering the Python programming language. Some of these questions are also popular in the coding interviews of FAANG, so they will be helpful for you in your journey to becoming a Python developer.

  1. Transpose Matrix
  2. Buddy Strings
  3. Uncommon words from two sentences
  4. Binary Search
  5. Set Mismatch
  6. Reorder Routes
  7. Detect Capital
  8. Check Perfect Number
  9. Relative Ranks
  10. Repeated Substring Pattern
  11. Counting Bits
  12. Valid Perfect Square
  13. First Unique Character
  14. Assign Cookies
  15. Hamming Distance
  16. Max Consecutive Ones
  17. Construct Rectangle
  18. License Key Formatting
  19. Number of Segments in a string
  20. Third maximum number
  21. FizzBuzz Problem
  22. Reverse a String
  23. Power of three
  24. Move zeroes
  25. Ugly Number
  26. Add digits
  27. Power of two
  28. Find Duplicate Values
  29. Validate Palindromes
  30. Pascal’s Triangle
  31. Check Duplicate Values
  32. Majority Element
  33. Excel Sheet Column Title
  34. Single Number
  35. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks
  36. Climbing Stairs
  37. Find Missing Number
  38. Two Sum Problem
  39. Square Root using Python
  40. Solving Plus One Problem
  41. Remove Duplicates from a Sorted Array
  42. Merge Two Sorted Lists
  43. Finding the Longest Common Prefix
  44. Group Elements of Same Indices
  45. Group Anagrams
  46. Power of two
  47. Calculate Execution Time
  48. Find the most frequent word in a file
  49. Find the number of capital letters in a file
  50. Index of Maximum Value
  51. Index of Minimum Value
  52. Calculate Distance Between Two Locations

The above list of Python practice questions will keep updating with more questions.


So these are some Python practice questions you should try after learning the fundamentals of Python. Some of the questions in this list are popular in coding interviews. I will keep updating the list with more questions regularly. I hope you liked this article on Python practice questions for coding interviews every beginner should try. Feel free to ask valuable questions in the comments section below.



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