40 Problems to Crack Data Science Interviews
Solve these problems to crack Data Science interviews!
If you are preparing for Data Science interviews, you will face questions based on Python programming, SQL for data manipulation and querying, pandas for data manipulation and scenario-based questions for testing your way of thinking while solving real-world problems. So, if you are looking for practice questions for Data Science interviews, this article is for you. In this article, I’ll take you through a list of practice questions you should solve while preparing for Data Science interviews.
Practice Questions for Data Science Interviews
Below is a list of practice questions based on Python programming, SQL for data manipulation and querying, pandas for data manipulation and scenario-based questions you should try while preparing for Data Science interviews.
Interview Questions Based on Python Programming
- Transpose Matrix
- Buddy Strings
- Uncommon words from two sentences
- Reorder Routes
- Detect Capital
- Check Perfect Number
- Number of Segments in a string
- Third maximum number
- FizzBuzz Problem
- Reverse a String
- Power of three
- Move zeroes
Interview Questions Based on SQL
- User Engagement Analysis
- Sales by Day of the Week
- Group Sold Products by Date
- Create a Bank Account Summary
- Calculate Ride Cancellation Rate
- Calculate Average Selling Price
- Market Analysis
- User Activity Analysis
- Product Sales Analysis
- Find Top Performing Ads
Interview Questions Based on Data Manipulation with Python (Pandas)
- Big Countries
- Recyclable and Low Fat Products
- Invalid Tweets
- Calculate Special Bonus
- Nth Highest Salary
- Rank Scores
- Find Total Time Spent by Each Employee
- Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orders
- Daily Leads and Partners
- Fix Names in a Table
Scenario Based Problems
- Metro Operations Optimization
- B2B E-commerce Fraud
- Optimizing Cost and Profitability
- Market Basket Analysis
- Customer Acquisition Cost
- Light Theme Vs Dark Theme
- Dynamic Pricing
- RFM Analysis
The scenario-based problems are either asked to theoretically explain how you will approach this problem or given as a problem statement in take-home assignments, which is a part of the technical interview process.
So, if you are preparing for Data Science interviews, you will face questions based on Python programming, SQL for data manipulation and querying, pandas for data manipulation and scenario-based questions for testing your way of thinking while solving real-world problems. The above list of questions will definitely help you.
I hope you liked this article on practice questions for Data Science interviews. Feel free to ask valuable questions in the comments section below. You can follow me on Instagram for many more resources.